Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Scream for Ice Cream


What. A. Weekend.

I had been looking forward to this past weekend for a good while.  My work was throwing a Christmas party at our office in Century City and I was really excited about going for two reasons:

1.  Chad and I rarely get to go out anymore not that we have the little man.
2.  I was super excited about showing Chad our amazing office space and for him to finally meet all my co-workers.

Friday we were lucky enough to have a 1/2 day at work in order for everyone to prepare for the evening's festivities.  And honestly, it was a typical Catie day.  I worked, then worked out, then headed home to see Bennett for a little bit before my Mom and Dad took him for the night.  Only our second night away from him since he's been born mind you.

After my parents left with Benny, Chad and I started getting ready for the party.  My tummy was feeling a little off but I just brushed it off as nerves or excitement for the night.  We headed back to my work all decked out and about an hour and a half into the party...something just wasn't right.  I began to feel so incredibly sick that I told Chad that we had to leave NOW.  We rushed home and i'll spare the details but it was without a doubt the WORST 48 hours of my life.

All I have to say is my husband is literally my hero and I cannot be thankful enough little Bennett was with my parents.  I couldn't imagine having the baby around while being so sick.  After a trip to urgent care and a shot of god knows what to stop my tummy from further catastrophe...I began to feel human again late Sunday, early Monday morning.


Now, how about a little cuteness to deter from all the yuckiness.

Tickle time with Daddy.

Professional Toy Chewer...or ANYTHING chewer.

The Russians are coming!!!

And remember our mention of Bennett's new found skill of screaming...well, check out the ear piercing loudness first hand.  I swear our neighbors probably think we torture him sometimes.

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