Friday, March 23, 2012


It goes without saying that Chad is my rock.

I've not been myself lately, with all of Bennett's health issues and all, and I cannot be thankful enough for the rock.


...boulder of a husband I have.

For those that aren't aware, Chad and I have history. 

Boy, do we.

At first we thought we met at the ripe old age of 14.  I remember it like it was yesterday, standing there at my high school football game watching him walk up in his Billabong sweatshirt and visor. So shy and handsome, and not at all funny like it seems now. 

...but later came to find out, after digging through old photos, they we actually went to pre-school together. 

Exhibit A:

Needless to say, its incredibly evident that God had a plan for us from a very young age.

Since becoming parents, I've began to experience a whole new form of love for Chad.  One that I didn't even know existed.  A love so pure and unadulterated.  The kind of love you have for someone, merely egged on by the love that person has, and rightfully so, shows toward someone else...Bennett.

Let me start off by saying that little Benny absolutely LOVES his daddy.  He squeals in delight when he first sees him in the morning or after a nap, and finds absolute joy in rough housing with him on the floor.  Last night when I was changing Bennett's diaper, he looked up at me and clear as day, shouted "DADA!" then looked out his bedroom door in the direction where Chad was.

...I melted.

Over the past month, Chad has literally been the glue holding me together, especially when I've been basically crumbling to pieces.  My heart broke for Bennett so many times and my head wanted to explode from all the what if's and nerve-wracking treatments.  But Chad, being the mellow, easy going guy he is, handled it all as if it was no big deal.  Of course he knew it was a big deal, but thankfully he knows me so well. 

I need him.
I need his cool, calm demeanor to counteract my crazy and worrisome behavior.
I need him to tell me it's no big deal and it's normal for babies to get sick...yes, this sick.

He is peace, when my fear is crippling.
He is light, when all I see is dark. hope, my joy, my everything.

The reason Chad and I work so well is we truly and wholeheartedly GET eachother.  He knows when I'm showing signs of meltdown and vice versa.  He knows what makes me smile and knows how to love me and calm my tired, erratic head.  He's such a willing and strongwilled person, I only pray I can be a mirror image of a wife for him.

Now and for always...


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Catie. What an impeccable writer you are! I started reading as an old friend. Then, I turned off my tv to truly read your story. So captivating! I am so happy for you to have found such a love. Now, I want to know what is going in with your baby! I will continue to read your blog, so keep me posted! Much love to you and your little family.
