Friday, January 13, 2012

A Little Faith...

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

Some discerning thoughts have been weighing on my heart and mind lately.  It must be motherhood or more importantly, the speedy shift that comes along with caring for a little one, but I can't help but not just allow this current introspection to circulate.

I've become very aware, more recently than ever, of the declining faith among humanity.  Perhaps its the grueling climb out of the depths of the recession, or honestly, I really don't know...but I'm more aware now than ever of the inherent negativity and lack of positive conviction out there.

Chad and my Mom will both tell you, I have a very sensitive soul for the homeless.  I can't tell you what sparked it, or why I feel so willing but I just cannot imagine living my life without SOMETHING...ANYTHING. 

As I have mentioned, both Chad and I come from very large, loving families...but I'm also not naive to the fact that not everyone is as blessed as we are. 

Not everyone has help.
Not everyone has caring or concerned loved ones...which just BLOWS my mind.

While I was living in Santa Clarita, there was a homeless man that was pretty well known in the area (well known for being homeless I mean).  He used to come into Black Angus where I worked as a hostess and would ask if he could eat cherries and oranges from the bar garnish area. 

My heart would break everytime.

As I got older, I would still see the same homeless man, roaming around Valencia.  I always made sure if I had any food on me, to hand it over to him.  He was always incredibly grateful and never once asked for money or a handout. 

He was simply surviving. 
With nothing.

I think, now more than ever, my concern for others (and yes, Bennett has a lot to do with this) is incredibly heightened.  I want pure happiness to oscillate through my veins and I want that happiness to become contagious among others. 

Once I had Bennett, an incredible shift happened.  I used to dwell on the negative and always played the "what if" game.  Now...not so much.  I'm grateful for everything I have, and think of all the positive aspects of my life, rather than dewlling on my wants and desires.  Because, truly if we are living and breathing and making it day after day...we really are so lucky.

It's no secret that as a family, we try to maintain a strong faith and relationship with God.  We have beliefs, values, and hold ourselves accountable to preserve this time we have together.  I think alot of our positivity and prosperity comes from the lessons learned as we work out our faith.  It's ever-changing and endlessly enlightening.  We crave it and feel its inherent electricity.

I think if everyone, regardless of their religion, beliefs, and morals focused more on living in the moment and trusting in themselves...we'd be much better off.  It's so easy to mock and question those that trust in a higher power, regardless of what or whom that higher power may be...but would you mock a child for believing in Santa or the Toothfairy??

Why can't we simply mirror the hope and promise of a child?  Why can't we have faith in something much greater than ourselves?

It's so easy to question or point out all the negatives.  I myself am guilty of blaming God for something as petty as stubbing my toe...but WHY?!  Because, when something negative happens, it's hard for us, as humans, to take responsibility for it. 

We have no problem blaming a higher power among such instances...

So I ask you, instead of complaining...why not appreciate?
Instead of buy something for yourself, why not buy a homeless person lunch?
Instead of dwelling on the negative, why not seek the positive?

Bennett has taught me limitless lessons on positivity:
1. He's been sick for what seems like his WHOLE life, but I know that it will only make him stronger in the long run. 
2. I gripe daily about being away from him and having to work, but how selfish would I be if I chose to stay home and allow our family to scrape by and struggle?
3.  I worry that Bennett will not get the care or concern he needs, but I have to trust that other people can love him just as well as I can.
...this list can go on and on but you get me.

so today...I'm thankful. 
Today, I'll be positive.
for all we are promised is Today.


P.S. words to live by from my favorite author:
This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body.” ― Walt Whitman

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